Monday, September 19, 2011

2nd Trimester Ultrasound

Today was another exciting day...we got to go to our 2nd trimester ultrasound. This was a long appointment which was great because we got to see our little bean moving around for over an hour! She was moving so much that some of the measurements were hard to get. (Wow, I wonder where she got that). Her heart rate was 147 and we learned that it is normal as she continues to grow for her heart rate to slow down a bit because she doesn't have to work quite as hard. Highlights to our appointment were: all of her organs look healthy and are functioning properly; she can open and close her fists; we watched her swallow, yawn and move her tongue; she has long legs (thanks Daddy); she currently weighs 9oz and she is measuring more on the side of 19 weeks. We got video today but it is broken up into 1 second segments which isn't great for viewing so these are the images that we got. We probably won't have many more ultrasounds until the 4D at the end unless there is something more the doctor wants to look into.


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