Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Video Of Baby Bean Ultrasound

Today was an exciting day! I am 12 weeks and we were able to get this amazing video of our ultrasound. The original file is too large so we are splitting it into several stay tuned! We were so excited to see all the fingers and toes and we can't believe how much it is moving and kicking. We also found out today that there is a 60% chance that we are having a baby GIRL. The heart rate today was 156 which is consistent with each of our previous visits. We were told that the baby looks healthy and is thriving! I am still not showing but definitely feeling the effects of this little one with nausea and fatigue. It will all be worth it though and hopefully I will be through this is just a couple more weeks. We will be posting a few tummy shots before the end of the week. Love to you all.

1 comment:

  1. From the looks of this little girl (or maybe boy) she/he is going to have Papa Teddy's hair
