Wednesday, August 31, 2011

It's a GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well it's official...we are having a baby girl!! She didn't make it easy on us to see her lady parts today because she was sitting on her legs and had them crossed. To make matters even more difficult, the umbilical cord was directly in the way as well. After some movement on my part and some coaxing by the ultrasound tech we were finally able to see everything. We were also excited to see her turn her head, open her mouth and put her hands on her face (possibly sucking her thumb). This is such an exciting time for us and we appreciate all of your love and support. We'll be posting new pics of my belly next week. Stay tuned....


  1. YEAH!!! Very Exciting news! Im so happy for you two! Cant wait to meet the little bean!

    Talk soon

  2. Glad I had a good seat for it. Love my little bean already.

  3. The unknown is ggma Judy for the above comment.
