Friday, December 30, 2011

Baby Bean's Room

Just wanted to update everyone on the progress that has been made on Baby Bean's room! I'm very excited with the way it is turning out. Thanks to my Mom for helping me over the past couple of days with the room as well as washing/categorizing clothes. Enjoy!!

32 Week 3D Ultrasound

It has been way too long since I last updated this blog. Time has been flying by with all the holidays and work but now I'm back. We were so excited to get the chance to see our little girl again this past week at another 3D ultrasound. We could tell she's been growing because the pictures were much harder to get due to her being so cramped. She didn't want to cooperate either by putting her hands in her face most of the time and facing away from us. When we did get to see her, she spent most of the time yawning as you can tell by the pictures below. We can't wait to meet her soon!!

Friday, December 2, 2011

3D Photos!!!

We finally have pictures of Baby Bean that make her look like a real baby!! We had such a wonderful time today at Before the Stork in Costa Mesa getting great photos and video of our baby girl. My Mom, G'ma and G'pa were able to join us for the festivities as well. She was very cooperative for most of our session and even showed off a little with all the smiling she did. A big thank you to Daddy for those pouty lips! It was also amazing to see her open and close her eyes and swallow. I can't believe what technology can show us these days. Enjoy!!