Friday, December 30, 2011

Baby Bean's Room

Just wanted to update everyone on the progress that has been made on Baby Bean's room! I'm very excited with the way it is turning out. Thanks to my Mom for helping me over the past couple of days with the room as well as washing/categorizing clothes. Enjoy!!

32 Week 3D Ultrasound

It has been way too long since I last updated this blog. Time has been flying by with all the holidays and work but now I'm back. We were so excited to get the chance to see our little girl again this past week at another 3D ultrasound. We could tell she's been growing because the pictures were much harder to get due to her being so cramped. She didn't want to cooperate either by putting her hands in her face most of the time and facing away from us. When we did get to see her, she spent most of the time yawning as you can tell by the pictures below. We can't wait to meet her soon!!

Friday, December 2, 2011

3D Photos!!!

We finally have pictures of Baby Bean that make her look like a real baby!! We had such a wonderful time today at Before the Stork in Costa Mesa getting great photos and video of our baby girl. My Mom, G'ma and G'pa were able to join us for the festivities as well. She was very cooperative for most of our session and even showed off a little with all the smiling she did. A big thank you to Daddy for those pouty lips! It was also amazing to see her open and close her eyes and swallow. I can't believe what technology can show us these days. Enjoy!!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Baby Bean Furniture

Baby Bean's room is coming together! The pictures below are the crib, combo dresser with hutch and glider with ottoman. The tall dresser is the last piece that we will receive because it was on back-order. Another exciting event we are looking forward to is our 4D ultrasound on Friday. We can't wait to see her little face (if she cooperates). I will definitely be posting those pictures as well.

Monday, November 21, 2011

27 Week Belly Shots

As promised, here are my belly shots for 27 weeks!! We'll be taking pictures more frequently now because things are changing rapidly. I'm also happy to report that we've ordered Baby Bean's furniture and glider (thank you to my Mom and G'ma Judy). I'll be ordering the bedding soon too and I'll make sure to post pictures as we get everything together. Love to you all and Happy Thanksgiving!!


Friday, November 18, 2011

We are registered!!

It has been a hectic few weeks with work so I haven't been able to post in a while. I am happy to say that we are officially registered at Babies R Us and Target!! This is all becoming very real and we are so excited about our little girl. I will be posting more frequent pictures of my bump because it is changing quickly these days. Our last trip to the doctor went very well and we will see her again at the beginning of December. I completed the dreaded glucose screening test a couple of weeks ago and I am happy to report that I am in perfect health. Baby Bean has been moving, stretching and doing karate (that's what it feels like at least) a lot lately! I'm feeling movement late at night and early in the morning mostly but I get surprises all throughout the day too. Daddy has been able to feel her a lot too which has been great! I plan on posting pics later on this evening or this weekend so stay tuned....

Sunday, October 30, 2011

24 Week Belly Shots

What a month! The past 4 weeks have been very exciting. We went on our last big trip to Ireland before we welcome Baby Bean. We had a wonderful time. We have also started to feel Baby Bean move!! As of last week, she is definitely making her presence known. I am getting bigger, as you can see, and still feeling pretty good. I am looking forward to our next doctor’s appointment on Wednesday where we will get a normal check-up and hear her heartbeat. We are also continuing to work on Baby Bean's room so I will post pictures as soon as we get a little further. Love to you all!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

20 Week Update

Hi! Here are the 20 week photos of my belly. I'm definitely feeling like I look pregnant now. I'm still looking forward to feeling her move and I've been promised that I should in the near future. Behind me in these shots is baby bean's room where Daddy and Grandpa Ted did a fabulous job with the paint. We have a doctor's appointment tomorrow and we are excited to hear baby bean's heartbeat again. Lots of love to everyone.

Monday, September 19, 2011

2nd Trimester Ultrasound

Today was another exciting day...we got to go to our 2nd trimester ultrasound. This was a long appointment which was great because we got to see our little bean moving around for over an hour! She was moving so much that some of the measurements were hard to get. (Wow, I wonder where she got that). Her heart rate was 147 and we learned that it is normal as she continues to grow for her heart rate to slow down a bit because she doesn't have to work quite as hard. Highlights to our appointment were: all of her organs look healthy and are functioning properly; she can open and close her fists; we watched her swallow, yawn and move her tongue; she has long legs (thanks Daddy); she currently weighs 9oz and she is measuring more on the side of 19 weeks. We got video today but it is broken up into 1 second segments which isn't great for viewing so these are the images that we got. We probably won't have many more ultrasounds until the 4D at the end unless there is something more the doctor wants to look into.


Monday, September 12, 2011

Baby Bean Bedroom

Daddy installed Baby Bean's chandelier (ceiling fan) in her "soon to be" room yesterday. This is the first item we have purchased for her room and it turned out great. We are excited about planning the rest of the theme and I promise to post pics all along the way. Enjoy!

Trip to the Doctor

We had a doctor's appointment today that went very well. We are happy to report that everything is going perfectly with Baby Bean. We heard her heartbeat today which was 150 bpm. It's so amazing to me how much she moves because today she was tucked far on my right side but the other week she was laying straight across my belly. The doctor said I am very healthy and we are on track for a very healthy baby. I also had my blood drawn (again) today for our 2nd trimester screening. We will have another ultrasound next week that will further determine Baby Bean's size, weight and position.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

16 Week Update

As promised, here are my 16 week belly pics. We have a doctors appointment on Monday and she will tell us if she thinks we are a little further along. I have quickly learned that pregnancy has gifts that keep on giving....symptom gifts that is :). It seems that right when one ends, another takes its place. I am thankful to not feel nauseous anymore but my headaches and fatigue are in full swing. Our little girl is worth every one of them though! Otherwise I am feeling great and we are getting more and more excited as each week passes. I also posted a baby blanket picture that is very close to my heart. My Great Grandma Been (yes, I come from a line of beans) handmade this blanket for me before she passed. She knew that one day I would meet the love of my life and she would still be able to be a part of this wonderful time in our lives. Love to you all!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Baby Bean Gifts

We had such a fun day today! Daddy bought baby bean a very cute/soft hat and I got some maternity clothes for the future bump. We also got a visit from Benj and Tori and we were surprised by the new bikinis and bathing suit they brought for baby bean. Tori designed them for Roxy's 2012 collection. SO cute!!! See below...

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

It's a GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well it's official...we are having a baby girl!! She didn't make it easy on us to see her lady parts today because she was sitting on her legs and had them crossed. To make matters even more difficult, the umbilical cord was directly in the way as well. After some movement on my part and some coaxing by the ultrasound tech we were finally able to see everything. We were also excited to see her turn her head, open her mouth and put her hands on her face (possibly sucking her thumb). This is such an exciting time for us and we appreciate all of your love and support. We'll be posting new pics of my belly next week. Stay tuned....

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Video Of Baby Bean Ultrasound

Today was an exciting day! I am 12 weeks and we were able to get this amazing video of our ultrasound. The original file is too large so we are splitting it into several stay tuned! We were so excited to see all the fingers and toes and we can't believe how much it is moving and kicking. We also found out today that there is a 60% chance that we are having a baby GIRL. The heart rate today was 156 which is consistent with each of our previous visits. We were told that the baby looks healthy and is thriving! I am still not showing but definitely feeling the effects of this little one with nausea and fatigue. It will all be worth it though and hopefully I will be through this is just a couple more weeks. We will be posting a few tummy shots before the end of the week. Love to you all.

Saturday, July 23, 2011